Microsoft’s Excel for the Web adds support for editing large files and legacy files
Over the past few years, Microsoft has continuously added new features and enhancements to Excel for the web. Today, Microsoft announced a number of new features and improvements to bridge the gap with the Excel desktop app. Some of the new features include support for editing large files, support for editing files with legacy objects, the ability to open password-protected workbooks, and more. Find the full change log below.
Supports large files from SharePoint up to 100 MB
You can now open and edit large files from SharePoint up to 100MB. This allows you to work with thousands of rows of data and compete with your work without having to switch to Desktop.
Edit files with Legacy Art Objects & Smart Art
You can now edit files containing Legacy Art & SmartArt objects in Excel for the Web. These legacy art objects include Form Controls, ActiveX Controls, Camera Tools, and OLE objects. This allows you to access and interact with any such workbooks, but not with the objects themselves. If you are using the Button Form Control / ActiveX Control to run the macro, check The Office Scripts function allows you to run office scripts using the workbook button.
Image: Workbook with Legacy Art & SmartArt Objects
Open and edit password-protected files – Rolling Out
Password protected files to open
You can now access your password-protected workbooks on Excel for the Web. This allows you to open and interact with your password-protected files to open without switching back to the desktop. Note that co-authoring is not supported with password protected files (same as Excel Desktop). We recommend switching to the new Microsoft Information Protection encrypted workbooks that allow you co-author and still protect sensitive data.
Figure: Password protected workbook (Password to open)
Password protected files for modification
In addition to the above, you can also edit files that are protected for editing with a password for modification, thus allowing you to access and interact with different types of protected workbooks within the browser itself. Browser. Note that co-authoring is not supported for Passwords to modify (same as Desktop), we recommend share editing access to specific people allows you to block editing for others.
Figure: Password protected workbook (Password to modify)
Coming soon
In addition to the features above, the following features will be available to Excel for Web soon:
- Supports large files up to 100 MB from OneDrive (M365 subscribers only) in Excel for Web, thus allowing you to work with large data sets in the browser.
- Edit files with the presence of the legacy shared workbook feature, by giving you the one-click shutdown of the legacy feature, thus allowing you to interact and collaborate with workbook.
- Edit a file that contains legacy data wizard connections such as Text Queries, Web Queries, Query Tables, or SharePoint Lists, thus enabling interaction with the workbook. We have no plans to support the connection itself and recommend switching to Import data via Power Query to connect and refresh data.
Source link Microsoft’s Excel for the Web adds support for editing large files and legacy files
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