Healthy Battlefield 2042 Clip shows players making friends in peak match

In the game Rush in Battlefield 2042, a player takes a break from combat for an unexpected but exciting encounter with a random teammate.

Healthy Battlefield 2042 Clip shows players making friends in peak match

Battlefield 2042 access expired 2 weeks earlier, meaning players had a decent amount of time to try out the game. While a lot the problem got in the way Battlefield 2042 After launch, nothing is bad for first-person shooter testers. Recently, a new game mode was introduced called Rush, and it seems that some fans find it quite interesting.

Rush is an added game mode Battlefield 2042 via the Portal editor, consisting of an offensive and defensive team. The attacker’s goal is to destroy several M-COM Stations before the respawn tickets run out. While the game mode is new Battlefield 2042, it has been a staple of many earlier entries in this series. Using the Portal editor, the developers have managed to create a version of the classic match type that can be played on the various maps found in the game. Since its addition, fan reception has been generally positive. Besides a lot of fun, the game mode also helps some players meet new friends.


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In a Reddit post, a user named RedHeadGone shared a recent encounter they encountered while playing Battlefield 2042. In the game Rush, they realize that it’s never a bad time to meet a new friend, even on the battlefield. The video begins with gamers redeploying the Kaleidoscope map. After appearing in battle, they rounded the corner of a semi and saw a comrade nearby. What happened next was quite surprising.

While random teammates are motionless near the field, RedHeadGone runs to the player and continues to shoot at the trailer. This isn’t random gunfire, though, as the player created a smiley face from the dents in the semi-finals. Starting to understand what was going on, the other player responded by making a similar smiley face nearby.

The healthy encounter between these two players made an impression NS Battlefield 2042 community on Reddit. With nearly 2,000 votes in just a few days, many were surprised by the engagement. “I think they are trying to communicate,” quipped one. In addition to commenting on this friendly encounter, other players also noted that they’ve had similar experiences in-game.

This is just one of many unusual encounters that have taken place in Battlefield 2042 since its launch. Recently, another player had a rare encounter where they scored kill triple fortune with a sniper in a match. It’s exciting to see these unique moments shared with the community. It will be interesting to see other friendly encounters take place on the battlefield in the coming days.

Battlefield 2042 currently available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S.

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